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I don't really know what to say, so I'll just go through my gameplay experience.

In my first playthrough of 8 minutes of walking around, the first place I found had ammo and a radio. Then I followed the road for several minutes (Because all roads lead to somewhere), but that lead to an invisible wall. The next place I found apparently had a land mine that killed me and ended the game.

Second playthrough I found a campfire with ammo, a spot with landmines, then the same place where I died the first time, which was a spot with only land mines, then I ended up at the radio spot in my first playthrough, then ended up walking into an invisible wall. After 15 minutes, I somehow ended up back at the starting location. After about 19 minutes into the run, I found a tent with a land mine, rifle and cross. I could only pick the cross up, but I don't know what use it has. After 22 minutes, I stumbled upon the place with the radio again. After taking a closer look, I found Kinin on the ground next to it, almost blending in with the surroundings. Guess I missed it the first time...

Since I roughly knew where I was now, I headed back to the box at the spawning point with Kinin and cleared the game. This run took about 25 minutes or so.

The sprint is about 7 seconds of slightly faster walking. The screenshots showed a threat, but I found nothing during either of my playthroughs, so I never had to use the gun.

This game has potential as a horror game. But as it is right now, it's more of an uneventful walking simulator with no story.

Hi, I’m sorry to hear the game didn’t meet your expectations. I guess the map is too large for the monster, making it difficult to encounter since it roams randomly like the player. I’ll work on ways to make the monster more present, possibly by having it teleport closer to the player occasionally. Thanks for your feedback!

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Needs some kind of signposting or navigational aid. I wandered around for 10 minutes without ever encountering anything other than tall grass, trees, hills and snowy roads. 

Bit of a shame too since this looks really professional.

Hi, I agree! I will try to maybe add a toggleable map to at least be able to know where camps are. Thanks for the feedback!

Sounds lovely.

That's what i said, unfortunately the comment is not avaiable. 

I walked for 20 minutes and nothing happened.
Tho the dev has a good framework to scale on.

That's quite odd I must say... I recall glancing at one before the second page visit.

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Haha I can explain why. I deleted it because of my bitterness. I have no excuse for it as every comment should be used as good feedback, but I acted quickly and didn't think twice before doing so. I deeply apologize for this.


I think I understand. I used to make mods in the past so the slightest bit of criticism could prove frustrating in face of all the hard work.